The Lamp Light Project DVD


The LampLight Project

A 12 Part Biblical Investigation covering Origins to the Return of Jesus Christ

Engaging interviews with leading academics and biblical scholars

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We live in an age of noise – and the question ‘Why do you believe what you believe?’ about the origins of life and matters of faith, gives rise to a battle of conflicting views and opinions.

This 12 part series with free downloadable interactive study guide, covers the origins of life to the return of Jesus Christ.  Jam-packed with engaging interviews from recognised academics, biblical scholars and researchers and beautifully illustrated with film, award winning CGI and graphics.

This powerful multimedia presentation empowers you to make informed choices regarding why you do believe – what you believe.

“Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a Light for my path” – Psalm 119:105.

The culmination of many years of careful research, the award winning production company Studio Scotland has developed this series specifically to inform, educate and encourage inductive Bible study and can be used on an individual basis or in a group study.