We are participating in the Global Isaiah 62 Prayer Initiative
7th-28th May 2023

We will be joining over 1 million believers who will engage in prayer for Israel for at least one hour a day for 21 days (May 7-28) for the increase of God’s salvation promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel.

A collaboration of several thousand ministries—including Lou Engle, Jason Hubbard, Mike Bickle—are calling 1 million believers to participate in a global solemn assembly (May 7-28) to fast in various ways and to pray for the Lord’s purposes for Israel AND to ask Him to raise up 100 million intercessors for Israel according to His promise in Isaiah 62:6 to sovereignly “set,” “appoint,” or “mark” intercessors who will remind the Lord of His promises for Jerusalem until Jesus returns. Isaiah 62:6 is an end-time promise that is now escalating across the earth.

On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed [set, KJV] watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You [intercessors] who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; And give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth [at Jesus’ return]. (Isa. 62:6-7, NAS)

Israel’s national repentance (Act 3:19) and confession that Jesus is Messiah (Mt. 23:39) is deeply connected to Jesus’ second coming, the Great Commission, and “life from the dead” for the whole earth (Rom. 11:15).

This will be the first time in history that far more than 1 million will continue 24 hours a day for 21 days in praying for God’s promises for Israel. The uniqueness of this prayer initiative is itself a sign of the times and an acceleration of God’s “set time for a generation yet to be created” to engage together in His purposes for Israel (Ps. 102:13, 18).

You will…have mercy on Zion [Jerusalem]; the time to favour her, Yes, the set time, has come… This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord. (Ps. 102:13-18)

This 21-day fast is a “global Esther moment” (Esth. 4:14-16) that will be a significant down payment for the final ultimate global Esther moment when millions of believers will engage in prayer, speak out boldly for God’s purposes for Israel (as seen in Scripture), and stand with Israel as anti-Semitism increases until Jesus returns (Zech. 14:1-5). This fast is also important for today as Israel faces several very significant conflicts. How and when you fast will be up to the individual.

14“For if you remain silent [unresponsive] at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place…who knows if you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 15Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16“Go, gather all the Jews…and fast for me…My maids and I will fast …so I will go to the king…and if I perish, I perish!” (Esth. 4:14-16)