From Christadelphianism to Christ!


From Christadelphianism to Christ! by Branson Hopkins

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Branson Hopkins was born in England in 1938.  At a young age he became attracted to the small religious group known as the Christadelphians.  He became a speaker and apologist for this group in much of Britain.  In 1973 Branson and his wife and family moved to Zambia and then later to New Zealand.  It was whilst in Auckland that Branson had an experience with God which changed his life.  After almost two decades of committed involvement in the Christadelphians, he came to recognise the cause of the emotional discomfort and spiritual confusion which this group’s teaching had brought into his life.  Branson now has the assurance of Eternal Life which Jesus Christ promises through the Bible.

In his first book on this subject, Branson explained the historic details of how the founders of Christadelphia developed their religious beliefs; while this book looks more at the his personal pilgrimage to find truth.