The Name Above All Other Names Teaching Series


The Name Above All Other Names Teaching Series

Downloadable videos and teaching notes.

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The Lord Himself chooses to reveal Who He is through His names. His Name is powerful, charged with exousia – wonder working, miraculous authority.

Session 1

This teaching takes a deep dive into the meanings behind His holy and awesome redemptive titles from the Hebrew Scriptures, helping us know the Lord more intimately and better understand His ways.

Session 2
Exploring the significance of the Jewish Name of our Messiah – Yeshua – and why we He has been introduced to us as Jesus Christ. This is an exciting and engaging journey of discovery and helpful tool to engage with the Lord more fully.

Course Facilitators: Dit McCallum

Dit serves on the leadership team of Kingdom Advance Network.  She is a Prophetic Watchman and Intercessor. Dit has dedicated herself to learn and understand the depths of the Hebrew language and explore the fullness of The One New Man.