Prophets and the Prophetic Movement


Prophets and the Prophetic Movement by Dr Bill Hamon

God’s Prophetic Move Today

An overview of the Current Move of God, its Purpose and Place in Church history and the Truths and Ministries being restored.

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Volume Two in a series on understanding and restoring the ministry of the prophet and the prophetic with Biblical integrity and balance.

It’s time to know and understand…

There is no doubt God is restoring the prophet today and that we are in the midst of a crucial prophetic movement. Therefore, there is a desperate need for apostolic wisdom, prophetic perspective and pastoral counsel to bring clarity, balance and understanding to these truths and ministries in the Body of Christ.

  • What is God’s Intention for Prophets today?
  • Who are Prophets, Prophetic ministers and Prophetic People?
  • Why “NOW” for a prophetic Movement?
  • How does it Effect ME?
  • True Prophetic Ministry vs Counterfeit New-Agers
  • The Prophet and Fivefold Ministry