The Passion Translation – Jeremiah and Lamentations


The Passion Translation – The Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations

The Promise-Keeping God

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The books of Jeremiah and Lamentations chronicle the tragic fall of Jerusalem.  God spoke through Jeremiah to warn his people of judgment for their sins, urge them to return to His heart and promise restoration.

The book of Jeremiah shares a detailed, personal narrative of Judah’s capture and exile.  Jeremiah’s heart broke for his people as he prophesied and suffered alongside them, but his tearful warnings of judgment are pierced by soaring promises of a new heart and a beautiful future.  The book of Lamentations is the deeply poetic cry of the Weeping Prophet after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.  It provides a prayerful and liturgical framework to mourn loss, voice grief and confess sin while still hoping in God’s ever-present mercy and forgiveness.