Extending the Kingdom in anticipation of the return of Jesus
You can support the work of Kingdom Advance Network securely online by giving through your online banking, our accounts details below:
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-64-18
Account Number: 75678068
IBAN: GB84 LOYD 3064 1875 6780
Click here to donate by debit or credit card
Or give online via Paypal:
By Phone
If you prefer to speak to one of the team you can call the office 01283 534375 between 9am and 4pm Monday-Thursday. Any financial information you give over the phone will not be stored.
To give by text message, text the code below to 07380 307 800
KANDE14 give £100
You can give whatever amount you want by changing the last amount; to give £10 type the code: KANDE14 give £10 or to give £50 type the code KANDE14 give £50
In Person
If you are visiting, you will find offering baskets at the front of the auditorium as well as card machines if you prefer.
Annual Report
Kingdom Advance Network is a registered Charity and you can download our annual reports from the charity commission website.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows churches to reclaim tax on donations from UK taxpayers. This increases the value of donations by 25% at no extra cost to the donor.
If you are a UK taxpayer and we are able to claim gift aid on your donations, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration below.